Upcoming BDRA Events

Please see our updated events list. 

Any help you can provide, especially at the bigger events/craft shows, is so much appreciated.  It's very hard to get lunch or take a potty break when we attend events alone.  
Even helping for an hour or two can be a huge help.  Set up and pack up are also difficult if you are alone.  

We set up an hour (for smaller events) or two (bigger events) before the event time listed. 
Feel free to contact the person running the event or Jen Quiggle if you have any questions at all! 

*Event run by Deb Marsh (lajachops@comcast.net)
**Event run by Jen Quiggle (Jenquiggle@gmail.com)
***Event run by Gladys DiCanio (mom37g@gmail.com)

Adoption Events

*Saturday, December 7, 2024
Hanover Petco
416 Hanover Drive, Hanover, PA
11:00 to 2:00

Festivals, Special Events, etc.
